Vape Juice contains ANTIFREEZE?! -- (Propylene Glycol Myth)
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- By Cameron
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With countless Facebook posts and scares around the internet, find out why everyone is losing their minds over Propylene Glycol!
Vapes contain anti-freeze? Mio contains anti-freeze? What else contains anti-freeze?!
While scrolling through facebook I’ve come across many of these ridiculous posts that scare people into thinking they’re ingesting poisonous anti-freeze. And if there’s one thing you need to know about Facebook, it’s that 99% of the content is...Garbage.
The reason why people think vape juice, mio, and other products contain anti-freeze is because of Propylene Glycol (PG)! The reason it’s used in antifreeze is due to its super low freezing point, it allows water to stay liquid down to -45c to -50c, which is great when you live in Winnipeg! Antifreeze used to use Ethelyne Glycol which was very harmful, PG is just as/more efficient and much safer to use! E-liquid has 3 main components being Vegetable Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, and flavourings which are usually PG based. PG is what makes your vape juice less viscous, and in higher concentrations is what gives e-juice a heavier throat hit! Flavourings used in vape juice are almost always PG based as it is a much more potent flavour carrier compared to VG based extracts.
This ingredient is more commonly used than you would think; PG can be found in soft drinks, spices, makeup, cake mixes, and is very popular in natural/artificial flavour extracts as the base liquid to carry the flavour! Its use in the medical field is also very common, PG is actually a component used in asthma nebulizers, as well as being used as cosolvents for injectable medications, and others uses for over 50 years!
A study done by Theodore Puck in 1943 actually shows that vaporized propylene glycol has anti-bacterial properties, you can click here so you can give it a read yourself! Remember, don’t believe everything you read on Facebook, but do watch out for the dangers of Dihydrogen Monoxide!
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